Our Attorney
Domestic Violence Lawyers Las Vegas
Being arrested for domestic violence is a serious offense. In addition to jail time, substantial fines and the social stigma that attaches, domestic violence arrests are extremely disruptive to your life. Time consuming trips to the courthouse, aggressive prosecutors, community service and lengthy domestic violence counseling classes are just a taste of what a domestic violence defendant will face. Given the severe and prolonged consequences of a Nevada domestic violence conviction, it is important that you retain the best Domestic Violence Lawyers Las Vegas whom you trust to provide you with focused, aggressive and competent representation.
Hiring the best Domestic Violence Lawyers Las Vegas will make the overall experience much less stressful.
Hiring Domestic Violence Lawyers of Las Vegas will allow you to focus on your life while we fight for you and attend all of your court appearances.
We Provide Free Confidential Consultations and also offer Payment Plans.
We promise that you will meet with an attorney face to face. We will tailor a domestic violence defense specific to your goals.
Take Your Las Vegas Domestic Violence Charge Seriously.
Domestic violence convictions will follow you for years. The long term impact of a domestic violence conviction is just as serious as the short-term penalties you could receive for your present domestic violence charge. Even a first offense domestic violence conviction could result in six months in jail – second and third offense convictions have much harsher consequences, including years in prison.
Call us today at (702) 656-0808 to schedule a FREE confidential consultation.
“Hiring Domestic Violence Lawyers of Las Vegas will allow you to focus on your life
while we fight for you”
About dale
About Dale
Dale is a second generation Las Vegan and his son Tripp is a third generation. Dale graduated from Durango High School and received a golf/athletic scholarship from Point Loma College. Dale started as a true freshman and played in several collegiate tournaments. In 2001, Dale graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. In 2004, he received his Juris Doctor Degree, graduating in the top third of his class from the William S. Boyd School of Law. While at Boyd, Dale defended juveniles accused of crimes as a student attorney of the Thomas & Mack Legal Clinic. Dale was involved in various criminal defenses ranging from drug possession to grand theft. Dale previously served as a judicial extern to the Honorable Stewart L. Bell. Dale spent his first five+ years in practice at one of Nevada’s most prestigious law firms. It was there that he began his Domestic Violence and DUI defense work. In the winter of 2009, Dale decided to focus his practice on criminal defense and created DUI Lawyers of Las Vegas and Domestic Violence Lawyers of Las Vegas. Read More
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Personal injury cases in Las Vegas can be extremely complicated. Without an experienced Las Vegas personal injury lawyer you could lose out on thousands of dollars, if not a lot more. Our experienced attorneys can help deliver the results you need to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.
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If you have been charged with a DUI in Nevada you are in danger of losing your license and going to jail as well as expensive fines and higher insurance rate. If you were charged in Las Vegas, there may be additional penalties. This is not something you should take lightly. We have the best Las Vegas DUI lawyers available to help you win your case.
Why Choose Us?
We have experience, 12+ years of reputation and sincerity towards the client case.
We provide Free Confidential Consultations and also offer Payment Plans.
- Super Experience
- EXPERT DV lawyer
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